Monday, January 20, 2014

Richard Sherman

I’ve been wondering for a while now why Richard Sherman bothers me so much. Let me start by saying that this is nothing new and the abrasive and egotistical post game rant from yesterday was just another event in a series of many immature and self-centered interviews that cause my distaste for him. For starters, I am quite sure that Michael Crabtree was talking just as much trash as he was during the game so I don’t exactly feel bad for him. I understand that with big moments come high levels of emotion. I have seen headlines anywhere from “Richard Sherman goes on a crazy rant” to “Richard Sherman’s post game rant is just what we need”. I would disagree with both of them. I certainly don’t think it was just what I personally needed since I don’t think that what I need is to listen to things that put me in a sour mood. I also don’t think it was crazy. For starters I have known for some time that he is a Stanford graduate so that would lead me to believe that he is certainly smart enough to know what he is doing. I also don’t think this is a one time “let the moment get the better of my judgment” because every interview I see with him, he is self-promoting by trying to tear others down. Therein lies the main question in this essay: Why do I dislike Richard Sherman so much? He recently unseated Ben Roethlisberger as my most hated player in the NFL and I didn’t think that was going to happen during his career. The reason I dislike Big Ben so much is that I honestly think he raped a girl and then got away with it and since then everything he says seems like something a sleazy rapist would say. Richard Sherman also bothers me more than Ray Lewis who very possibly could’ve gotten away with murder (depending on whose account is to be trusted). So how is it that a narcissistic trash talker offends me more than a rapist and a murderer? That is what I’ve been pondering for the past day and my theory is just that it comes down to difference in personality. For whatever reason a complete lack of humility irritates me more than just about anything else someone could do. In an infamous interview with Skip Bayless he actually made me feel sorry for Skip Bayless. He was so conceited and downright rude he turned a loud-mouthed over-opinionated Bayless into a sympathetic character for me. In the post-game interview last night he never once thanked his teammates or coaches for anything they did. Instead he took all the glory for himself while tearing down his opponent. Whether he actually believes what he says or he is just smart enough to know that he can make money off of being the loud-mouthed trash talker that everyone either loves or hates I can’t say. If he is doing it just for attention then the sad truth is that it works. I realize the irony of me writing a long essay about someone who seeks attention through offensive behavior. As far as I can tell there are no repercussions to his behavior apart from beating him and trying to out-shit-talk him. That goes back to my point about personalities. If that’s the behavior we’re endorsing then that would be really sad for someone like me who couldn’t talk his way out of a paper bag. So is it just a difference in personality that causes such dislike bordering on hatred? It could be old school hero worship why I like and can identify in some way with some athletes but cannot in anyway identify with Richard Sherman. I honestly cannot say. I do know that it is unhealthy on my end to be affected by anyone whom I have never and will never meet. This essay was my attempt at explaining such a phenomenon as best I can. At the end of the day I am not right, Richard Sherman is not right. They’re all just opinions and mine isn’t worth any more or less than the Seattle Seahawks fan who adores Richard Sherman.